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Are ALL Dental Products Right For You?
KATU Problem Solvers

I was recently interviewed on KATU channel 2. I was a part of an investigative report that began with one women’s story. She had been using Crest3D Whitening Toothpaste which caused a burning sensation with her first use. She continued with the product and the reaction was so bad she went to the ER.

There are many “whitening” products sold today with a variety of claims. The toothpastes and mouth rinses in this category are not “bleaching” your teeth. They only can remove surface stains by a chemical and/or physical means. The physical includes small particles such as titanium dioxide that polish away stains. The chemical can help dissolve surface stains such as hydrogen peroxide.

Tissue reactions like ulcers, blistering and tissue sloughing can occur from a variety of sources. These can include foods such as tomatoes and other fruit, as well as flavorings, preservatives, particulates and chemical agents. There are also numerous diseases of the mouth that that will do the same. Some, BUT NOT ALL of these can be caused by lupus, fungal infections, carcinomas, or the primary infection of the herpes virus.

Pain from dental products can also be caused by having untreated dental conditions like cavities, cracked teeth, gingivitis or gum disease. It is important before using whitening or bleaching products to make sure your mouth is healthy through regular checkups.
Your dentist is a great source of information – let us know what you are trying out and why. Since we know YOUR mouth we will be able to give you a better idea if this product is right for you.

Another great resource is the American Dental Association. They have had the ADA seal of Acceptance program since 1931. It was established to test the scientific claims of dental products. Companies have their products tested voluntarily and those listed on the website have been proven to meet the criteria for safety and effectiveness. These products will also have the ADA seal that you can look for on their package.

You can use this link to go to their product page search. Interestingly, Crest does have some whitening toothpastes there, but not Crest 3D. Also, I noticed none of the approved mouth rinses are “whitening”.

When trying a new product, start with a small amount to see how your body reacts so if you do have a reaction it will be a small one. Also think about what you know of yourself. If you tend to have sensitive teeth or gums already these products are probably not right for you.

Dr. DeMasi – Healthy Smiles Dental Group NE Portland