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Xylitol : How It Can Make This School Year Healthier For Our Children (and adults too)!

August is National Back to School Month

Let’s make this year healthier!  If you haven’t heard of xyltiol products then read on….

Xyiltol is a sugar produced in many natural food sources in small amounts like fruit, berries and corncobs.  Our bodies are able to metabolize this sugar.  Fortunately, the bacteria that cause dental cavities will recognize it as food, but will be unable to process xylitol.  This causes a reduction in some harmful bacteria.

Xylitol has also been shown to inhibit some bacteria’s ability to bind to our body in the nasal passages and in the mouth, even reducing the amount of plaque (soft deposits) that can form on our teeth.  As an added benefit, if chewing xylitol gum, more saliva will be produced to help protect our enamel.

To get the best benefit from xylitol use it consistently and often.  For instance, chewing Spry gum or having a Spry mint after every meal and snack. The Spry products are sweetened with 100% Xylitol  to ensure the proper amount.  The flavor will only last a short time so you don’t have to worry about children chewing gum for long periods and getting into trouble in school.  In fact, take a moment to let your teacher know that you are giving your child Spry gum, and why, to pass this knowledge along.

The XClear Company has a Spry Dental Defense System®.  This is a whole line of products with xylitol, including mints, gum, toothpastes, even nasal sprays and mouth moisturizers.  (Spry toothpaste can be very helpful for young children who cannot use fluoridated toothpastes.)

(An important note: pets cannot have xylitol so please make sure they can’t scarf down any Spry products.  Humans only need about 10-15g a day.)

You can find Spry products at here at Healthy Smiles Dental Group and hope fully other dental offices as well.  Remember that we are always here to answer questions and give advice throughout the year.  You never need to wait for an appointment – call us anytime!

Dr. DeMasi